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Catalan Cinema Now!
Institute of Contemporary Arts
9 April – 29 May 2022

Screening a number of hybrid documentaries that navigate the boundaries between fiction and documentary as well as co-productions that showcase Catalan scriptwriting, these are films that map the originality, strength and innovation of contemporary Catalan filmmaking.  

Seven featured films show the vibrancy of Catalan cinema in the here and now. Navigating its past, documenting its present and preparing for its future. The films map queer histories, interrogate what community means, and dream about utopias; they examine a changing workplace and reflect on how biographies are constructed and canonised. With two Catalan features in competition at the 2022 Berlin Film Festival – Isaki Lacuesta’s Un año, una noche / One Year, One Night and Carla Simón’s Alcarràs, and the latter winning the Golden Bear – it is a fitting moment to celebrate the achievements of Catalan filmmaking and to look at how directors are building on the legacy of earlier generations of filmmakers and forging a new cinema of possibilities.

This season is supported by The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London.
The programme is divided into three distinct weekends of screenings: 
Innovations (9 – 10 April)
Intersections (14 – 15 May)
Identities (28 – 29 May)
Catalan Cinema Now! season is organised in collaboration with the Institut Ramon Llull.

9 – 10 April
The opening weekend of the Catalan Cinema Now! season opens with two acclaimed films that blur the distinctions between fiction and documentary: Ainhoa Rodríguez’s Mighty Flash (Destello bravío) and Neus Ballús’s The Odd Job Men (Sis dies corrents).

14 – 15 May
The unique talent of screenwriter Clara Roquet (10,000km and Petra) features across two first screenings made in 2021, showcasing the intersections of Catalan cinema in a global context.

28 – 29 May
The final weekend of Catalan Cinema Now! looks at the identities represented in recent Catalan cinema – of tourist towns, LGBTQ+ communities and cross-cultural writers.