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Institute of Contemporary Arts

WINK, Abel Rubinstein, UK 2020, 3 min. 20 sec.

A small group of queer punks find safety and comfort in their local queer pub but their world is turned upside down. A group of normative heterosexuals have obnoxiously taken over their pub. Tate and Bunny lead a mission to take it back.

Shown at Current Transmissions 2020.

Director and Editor: Abel Rubinstein
Producer: Ludwig Meslet
Creative Producer: Phillip Warnell (Kingston School of Art)
Director of Photography: Izzie Jones
Art Director: Ashton Attsz
Costume Designer: Aziza Kadyri
Music: Pxssy Liquor
Cast: Sukey Willis, Ioannis Spyridoyiannakis Alan Goodman, Maria Goundry

This work was produced for New Creatives, supported by Arts Council England and BBC Arts.
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