ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
Marcos Martínez’s thoughtful, intimate and deeply empathetic portrait explores the homeless communities of Buenos Aires, hiding in plain sight in the Argentine capital – and despite everything, not without their dreams.
As night falls in Buenos Aires, the lights come on: streetlamps, park lanterns, advertising signs, bulbs in apartments and houses. As the lights come on, so the city’s homeless populations start their search for nightly shelter. And as they find shelter and close their eyes, their dreams begin. Martínez’s unsparing feature explores their pasts and presents, their memories and hopes, as they live day to day on the unforgiving streets of this sprawling city.
This is an ICA Exclusive project.
£13 Full, £11 Concessions, £6.50 Blue/Green Members
Weekday matinees: £8 Full, £6 Concessions, £4 Blue/Green Members
Tuesday matinees: £6 Non-members, £4 Blue/Green Members
All films are ad-free and 18+ unless otherwise stated, and start with a 10 min. curated selection of trailers.
Red Members gain unlimited access to all exhibitions, films, talks, performances and Cinema 3.
Join today for £20/month.
no. 236848.